Athletes Experience Faster Recovery with Floating

Most athletes know that muscle recovery is a critical part of being a high performing athlete, and even an overall healthy human being when you’re a fitness enthusiast.

We all need rest days, believe it or not. Women, you may be good at this, but men – I’m talking to you!

Overall, men see a far greater number of muscle injuries than women.

How It Works

Epsom salt has been used for centuries to aid with sprains and strains, and in a float tank, there is over 1500 pounds of epsom salt in the water, making you as buoyant as you would be in the Dead Sea!

The main ingredient in Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, which works as an anti-inflammatory agent and a muscle relaxant and helps to clear lactic acid buildup in the muscles. The salt solution’s neutral buoyancy creates a weightlessness that relieves all pressure from your muscles and joints. This provides a profound state of physical and mental relaxation that rejuvenates the mind and the body to aid in the healing process.

In addition to the physical benefits of clearing lactic acid buildup, reducing the production of lactate levels in the blood stream allows for heightened mental clarity and increased strategic thinking. Sounds great, right?!

Because of this, some athletes prefer to float before a game.

Get Your Muscles Ready!

More sports injuries occur from muscle tension or pulled muscles than from direct physical contact. The best way for athletes to avoid injury is to loosen their muscles properly before a game.

With float therapy, all of the pressure of body weight and gravity are removed and any build up of adrenaline, cortisol, and lactate is flushed out. In addition, red blood cells increase and blood circulates through the body more efficiently. The result is full-body relaxation.

Relaxed muscles means fewer sports injuries, and relaxed muscles are stronger muscles!

After Overexertion

Exerting the body when it’s overworked leads to pain, muscle stiffness and fatigue. However, when you float, these problems are greatly reduced and sometimes removed completely. This is because the non-gravity atmosphere of the float tank gives all of your joints and muscles a break.

This promotes healing of muscle strain and injury, but it also prevents more serious injuries to athletes in the future. The high levels of magnesium sulfate in your float tank relax sore muscles and build protein in your joints, which helps to accelerate recovery time so you become ready to play again faster.

Book your float experience today for only $45 and see for yourself!


  • The Acute Effects of Flotation Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique on Recovery From Maximal Eccentric Exercise, Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, December 2013.
  • Effects of flotation-REST on muscle tension pain, Journal of the Canadian Pain Society, Winter 2001.
  • Primary process in competitive archery performance: Effects of flotation REST, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, May 1998.
  • Floatation REST and Imagery in the Improvement of Athletic Performance, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 1990.
  • Floatation Therapy Current Concepts, Austrialian Institute for Sports.


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